Our Work

Together, we work to create the perfect experience for our customers who help to reach our success.

Customer: Nordex

Elkian Elaskary Signal Dept. FTTH network

Copper and fiber optic service, including design, termination,

Testing, labeling and documentation, the network infrastructure was for the signal army GPON network

Our target was finalizing the awarded activities in a convenient time in consideration to the active installation schedule with the appropriate quality of service in which we could provide a huge number of technicians and site engineers to achieve the awarded business according to the standard

Services Provided In:
Customer: ART Link Company

Military Base in Suez

Supply and installation of public address system and surveillance system & fire alarm system including hard & software components delivery, installation and operation, testing and documentation.

While the installation period was conditioned to be 2 weeks for both delivery and installation in which we could gain our customer satisfaction and achieve our mission within the assigned period.

Services Provided:

Experience Makes All the Difference

With years of experience and expertise, we can help your business succeed through the proper use and deployment of technology.

Customer: The Egyptian Company for Electromechanics

Military Engineers Club, Helwan

Supply and installation of public address system and surveillance system & fire alarm system, IP TV, analog phones frames and cables delivery and installation.

In addition to network cabling and connectivity between the Main DC and sub-buildings and data rooms delivery, installation and operation, testing and documentation.

Services Provided:
Customer: Art Link Company

Ain shams University

Supply and installation of passive works that includes fiber and copper for the main data center of Ain Shams University starting from design till achieving the inclusive connectivity with other buildings and sub-DCs

Services Provided:

Ready to Take on The Challenge?

Customer: Turnkey Integrated Technologies

Telecom Egypt - WE

Supply and installation passive and power in Telecom Egypt central in the administrative capital in 4 sites, NN1, NN2, CCC, COC in addition to active rack and stack

Services Provided:
Services Provided In:
Customer: Turnkey Integrated Technologies

Signal Department

Supply and installation of fiber and copper cables, racks and all related accessories in 13 sites of the strategic network of signal department around Egypt including testing and connectivity accomplishment

Services Provided In:
Customer: Turnkey Integrated Technologies

Ministry of High Education- New Mansoura university

Supply and install passive work that achieved connectivity between the main data and the university building including civil work, digging and raceways.

Rack and stack for switches access points and other related materials in addition to active configuration (switches, routers, IP telephony, wireless controller and access points configuration)

Services Provided:

Ready to Take on The Challenge?